Learn more about why we needed a statewide paid sick days law in Oregon – and why we still need one that covers all workers across the country.
1. 47% of Oregonians working in the private sector lacked access to any paid sick time.
2. 71% of low-wage workers in Oregon lacked paid sick time.
3. Hispanic workers were significantly less likely to have paid sick days than other workers. About 62% of Hispanic workers in Oregon lacked paid sick time.
4. Lower-wage earners were less likely to have paid sick days. 82% of Oregonians earning $65,000+/year had access to paid sick time compared to 29% of Oregonians earning less than $20,000/year who did.
5. 83% of people working in “Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations” in Oregon didn’t have paid sick time.
6. Adults without paid sick time are 1.5 times more likely to go to work sick – where they can infect co-workers and clients. Workers are 60 percent less productive when working from the office while sick and people with the flu who don’t stay home cause their co-workers to take 20 to 30 percent more sick days.
7. The U.S. is behind when it comes to paid sick time. Of 22 rich countries assessed in 2009, the U.S. is the only one with no national paid sick time requirement.
8. Nearly 1/4 of adults in the U.S. (23%) report that they have lost a job or have been threatened with job loss for taking time off due to illness or to care for a sick child or relative. Nearly one in six (16%) report that they or a family member have been fired, disciplined, written up or threatened with firing or workplace discipline for taking sick time.
9. Single parents are particularly challenged by not having paid sick time, and their children pay the price. In Oregon, 22% of children live in households headed by a single mother. Without paid sick time, these families have no good choices when someone gets sick; instead, they are forced to sacrifice needed pay or their health.
10. Paid sick days are good for business, despite what some industry lobbyists claim. The loss of productivity to the U.S. economy due to illness in the workforce has been estimated at $160 billion annually.